Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy in my Hijab

Today i am posting a writing by Wardina Safiyyah in response to Mdm Yati Karpawi's recent documentary on Hijab Screening. I find this one very interesting, so i want to share it with my fellow friends here:

I am writing in response to Yati Kaprawis so called "documentary" about the Hijab titled Aku Siapa (It’s been a while - I’ve been so busy studying for exams, and i needed sometime to "cool" down) I stand with my grounds that it was very much bias and incredibly one sided. The word ‘prejudice’ comes to one’s mind. Simplistic and not executed in an intelligent manner. The views of more "smart and clever" answers, women willing to wear the hijab without force and those who understand why she is doing it was NOT heard AT ALL. Yati's reason for this absence? "We can hear that all the time, and see that everywhere" "This is to give another 'version”, to portray another 'side' that hasn't been heard all this while?"

Are you sure Yati? I heard these shallow excuses of the Hijab as a means to :-

1. Oppress women 2. Being forced upon them 3. Illogical 4. Not stated in the Quran 5. A male dominating factor for AGES. Yes ages…! And you just decided to propagate it yet again in a 1 star documentary that technically when looked at from a production angle was pretty much very disappointing. From camera angles, editing, treatment and creativity it was in my view, substandard. Not anything ‘new’ at all mind you. But according to Yati and her ‘friends’, this was – a voice of the “minority” that needs to be put forth. The main aim was to put across the message of "voices if the unheard"

Voices of those wearing the hijab for 1. NO reason, 2. for the reason of being socially pressured, 3. Ignorant and just merely because its 4.a "trend".

Obviously Yati tried to put together opinions of some "Ulama's'” that agree with her views (I assume the SIS view) of - "there is no verse in the Quran that says wearing the hijab is obligatory" Yes, yes and we aren’t going to argue with you on that matter because....I’m sure many have tried...and there’s just absolutely NO point to. Therefore I shall not bicker about the hukum at all. Besides, im not even qualified to do so. You very well understand where we (as in the Hijab wearing ladies) come from, and the stand we take with regards to the hukum. We too completely understand your version and interpretation of the verse An Nur 30--31and Al-Ahzab ayat 59 in the let’s just put that aside.

Basically the documentary posed this statement - "wearing the hijab ISN'T A PART OF ISLAM". IT WAS NEVER PART OF THE MALAY CULTURE either! So the question was then.... Why in world are there, SO MANY TUDUNG CLAD WOMEN IN MALAYSIA!??? Now, Yati had to travel to Indonesia to ‘search’ for some “Mua’alim” who somewhat agreed with this interpratation of hers. She had a task.... to prove this view she has, therefore need to support it by 'credible' evidence, facts and testimonies. By the looks of it... she didn’t manage to interview many - I’m sure she had trouble finding any credible contemporary views that supported her argument. She acknowledged this fact after her show….that there were none in Malaysia or perhaps according to her no “scholars and learned men or women” had ‘dared’ to give a conflicting view on the practice of the hijab wearing...

Oh dear…seriously? When it comes to LOGIC and TRUTH (because that is the basis of Islam, to look for the TRUTH) I doubt that so many learned men and women , intelligent and wise are subjected to be brainwashed by rigid doctrines without being able to make sense of the “real teaching” behind the veil or hijab or whatever you want to call it! After all this years….with so many interpretations and views – I wonder why the LEARNED, and oh so many educated people still chose to wear the hijab and adhere to these principles. Come on you're saying people can’t think for themselves, aren’t curious and we simply blindly accept teachings without wanting to understand and question it? We aren't fatalistic people....

She showed clips of a rather old Indonesian talk show, that gave a rather different opinion of the hijab – (the answer he gave was acceptable for the ‘ustaz’ said there are many interpretations) but the so called Ulama’s like Tn Haji Nik Azis from Indonesia who came clean that he wasn’t actually an Ulama’ as highlighted by Yati (yes he was there at the screening, clearing the air about his status – but then he diverted to talk about politics..errr……credibility very questionable) Yati in the documentary painted the picture as if he was a scholar! Now, now….that wasn’t very honest and misleading….

A GOOD documentary Yati, has prerequisites of being balanced and just in opinions and facts. This is a well known rule for a the History Channel for example. Now, if one party claims A the other party that says B must be taken into account or else that opinion will not be able to be allowed on air. Balance , and fair ….you know like the principles you and SIS always fight for.

Yati cleverly displayed pictures of many Ulama's wives in the early 60's NOT wearing the hijab. The President of PAS wife back then, The Ketua Wanita PAS not wearing a full hijab! What a shock huh? Dr Burhanudin's Helmi's wife...all basically uncovered! Except for a tiny see-through scarf on the head. Errr..wrong… Not a shock.....BUT trying to justify that ABIM and Anwar Ibrahim was responsible for the spread of this doctrine bringing in this “hijab wearing culture” into Malaysia in the 70’s and 80’s was rather funny.

Prof Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri ‘s view of the hijab being as a symbol of male dominance, a symbol of conformity and uniformity of identity and now a Marxist consumer factor – was rather crude. Why is it ok for “other clothing” like the jeans, shirts or hot pants to be commercialized and capitalized but not ok for the hijab?? What double standard are you practicing here?

Yes, very true Prof, the hijab is indeed a statement of identity – (he gave an example of the army or the police) – yes I want people from miles away to know - I am Muslim! That I adhere to the value and principles of Islam… that I ought to be respected as a women and I DO NOT want your eyes to wonder around my body – that I have more to offer you than my skin, short skirts and cleavage!!! Please take me seriously and look at MY FACE when you want to talk to me….judge me by my "mind" , and intellect not “others”. Why is it you can leave the Singh alone knowing the fact that they wear a turban….and why are you guys so obsessed with the hijab? Get it over with – many more people will wear it! Swallow that and get on ….

It’s JUST a piece of cloth yes? But that piece of cloth brings so much meaning and a feeling unexplainable to us wearing it. Unfortunately Yati didn’t feel that way, that is why she chose to take it off. It’s ok, fair enough…but don’t degrade us and slap us with this bias documentary of yours! We LOVE wearing the hijab. Yati got so angry when seeing a male Arab with Adidas shorts walking at KLCC and their wives next to them clad in BLACK from top to bottom.(Oh btw just in case you haven’t notice, Yati there are oh SO many Arabs who take off their hijab and dress more daring than you can ever imagine, what say you about that? That’s Freedom to you yes??? )

That black clad lady you saw, wouldn’t want to take her niqab off even if you paid her too. Let her be! Leave her alone! It has everything to do with their CULTURE. Their norms and values. Their beliefs and way of life. Below that they are just human. Care to explain this white lady convert I met in Australia who also wears the niqab? Covered from top to bottom by CHOICE. It perplexed me too….but she said – “I have never felt more freedom. I am not subjected to all the CRAP (that was her choice of word) of beauty SOLD in magazines and TV”. "Off bodies stick and thin"

Can’t you understand that just as how you feel sorry to the hijab wearing ladies, we feel sorry that you have to expose yourself to please men. You tell us that by wearing the hijab we are FOLLOWING rules made by MEN but we see women exposing themselves taking hours to get ready and worry about their hair and body as “pleasing men” . Following unwritten rules of men…Honestly you think men would be pleased women are covering up???? Heck no..! I bet they would rather see us walking around parading our bodies than covering up. NOOOO way, I aint pleasing any men…I shall cover up so you can take your eyes and mind off me. Thank you! Go ask any men out there whether were doing them a favour by covering up or exposing ourselves…not rocket science

“They” get so agitated by the fact that women with the hijab THINK they’re better than others. An accusation made by some and again by Yati at the end of the screening. But the fact is that – “it IS” a statement of an individual that she wants to become a better person and this transcends into her clothing. What you wear is a non verbal statement of who you are. The hijab IS a symbol and if you study social science this whole world is made out off meaningful symbols! The mall is a material symbol of an industrialized society.Human beings give meaningful symbols to the world around… there is nothing wrong with that. The suit for example is a symbol of professionalism…the hijab is a symbol – an act of faith of ladies wanting to get closer to God…saying that by wearing this I hope to become a better person…It helps anyway with bad hair days…..i don’t know but I think many look “cute” in it. :)

Now WHY do you give such a hard time to Muslim women who wear the hijab? And while non Muslims are trying their best to understand where the Muslims are coming comes a Muslim… trying to turn the table…I just don’t understand.

Btw, covering the head, isn’t a NEW thing. COVERING THE HEAD for women has its orgins in the WEST, LOOONGGGGGGGGG, long ago. During the 17th century ONLY aristocrats covered up….noble ladies…. those that came from a good family. Those who didnt were of the lowest level of the social ladder. The nuns wear it, the Jews wear it… just because Muslims wear it everyday, do you have to harass us? Aren’t you like amazed by the discipline we have? Hey no joke! When we do something were serious.

One of the audience stood up and said “What happened to the Malay culture?” She was referring to the tight kebaya and “kemban” culture of the Malays Yati flashed again and again in her documentary. “SUCH A WASTE” said this lady. (because Malays don’t kemban and wear tight kebayas anymore) Well let me ask “What happened to all the long dresses and head covers of the west?” They were so beautiful … (BTW, I just LOVE period movies where women were dressed in just beautiful dresses like Anne of Green Gables…. :)) opps sorry back to topic..I realized I have been rambling for too long…..sorry…ill cut this short…it’s just that when I start I can’t stop…. SO back to the question what happened to THAT western culture?

Let me knock some sense to you Miss… one of the characteristics of culture is that culture is always changing and is not static! SO just like the western culture that has changed you can’t expect the Malays to wear the kebaya and to berkemban anymore….values change through innovation and cultural diffusion. Values that are unfit to society are discarded and cultural traits of others are spread into another culture. If society accepts a particular culture and it fits them well…if it isn’t damaging and maladaptive we should therefore respect that. If however the culture brings about social ills and problems then perhaps we need to relook and abandoned it. What harm did the tudung bring? Many women feel more beautiful , more empowered, respected, many feel more pride and like my myself wear it with full of dignity How can that be wrong?

One of the audience stood up and got so upset by the fact that an actress was forced to wear the hijab for a telemovie because of “ratings”. Apparently nowadays, if you plop a tudung lady, ratings will appear higher! ERK! Really? Women before this were banned from wearing the headscarf on TV – what about the poor RTM newscasters that weren’t allowed to wear it. Now, my question is…if you can exploit women who wear skimpy clothes for high ratings and to sell magazines why can’t you do the same with women who cover up? If people nowadays "like" women who cover up even better than women who expose themselves…what does that say? We ARE NOT CONFORMING to norms by the West…I see that as GREAT! Because “Capitalism” is also a doctrine… Selling MTV images of Hollywood stars … Forcing its values to us… I say I don’t want those values… I stick to mine… the values I choose…

The real shock to me however came from THE CHOICES Yati made, like the interviews especially….everything bad and wrong about wearing the hijab, you name it , they said it! How people were pressured to wear the hijab by society. What about those pressured to buy LV bags by society? What about actresses like me pressured to dress like Hollywood stars? To have to wear what Angie wears?

Apparently, those who don’t wear it was frowned upon…. Were gossiped about. Worse still, those who chose not to wear the hijab were always harassed. (Looks like we are harassed for wearing it now...hmmmm..) Those who did wear the hijab were FORCED to…. BUT WAIT ! Nobody forced me….hmmmm…It was a VOLUNTARY decision….without being pressured, pressure to NOT wear it was stronger actually….given the entertainment industry im in…I was GOING AGAINST THE NORMS back then.. I could have been more POPULAR without the hijab! I could expose my body and be sexy and star in PISAU CUKUR! According to the documentary ugly, ugly statements were made to those NOT wearing the hijab. What about the UGLY statements you are making now about those who do??? Now this really bothered me! Honestly I was trembling all the way watching it, my heart thumping and went home crying! (A response Yati knew she would evoke with the Hijabis)

I shall leave out some crude scenes of supposedly to be "funny" but incredibly pathetic attempts of trying to be funny by a man wearing a tudung grabbing his so called "chest"...

Ok ..ok..ok Yati it was LOUD AND CLEAR in the documentary - You just cant stand and dont understand… and DONT want to wear the hijab - a confession she made after the show anyway. The title of the documentary should have been "Reasons I don’t want and took off my hijab-all women should do the same".

Again and again she repeated through people she interviewed that the hijab wearing individuals often "look down upon those who don’t" - feel they are going to heaven – and those who don’t will go to hell…..We wearing the hijab are quick to judge those who don’t and basically feel "hollier that them" Clearly you dislike being labeled...but you are doing just that! Putting us the hijab wearing women in that light -. Labeling us “FEELING hollier”….

But what is more disappointing is that the documentary gave an unfair description of Muslim women who wear the hijab , a very UGLY take away home message of the “covered” women to the non-Muslims and those who aren’t very much literate on the matter . THAT – was the main upset for me. Why? It wasn’t fair to me and other hijab ladies….I have to agree at this point of time – with sister Azra Banu whom I had a talk after…..enough of disunity – enough of “fighting” and labeling…..let’s focus on creating a better world – let’s focus on RESPECT no matter what you wear, to be kind and compassionate…to strive for a just world with people who love and care for one another . The world is already in a very sorry state…you didn’t have to add on do this….


Wardina Safiyyah-The unholy Hijab wearer……

I just wonder whether Yati covers her head when she prays....?? Didnt get the chance to ask her..

Credits to Wardina Safiyyah

Panjang lebar tapi sangat padat isinya! Semoga kita semua mendapat hidayahNya..

Apa2 pun i agree with Wardina that we have to RESPECT people for who they are... no matter if they wear or do not wear hijab... asalkan they are happy ye dak?? tak caya tanya makcik bawah ni :

Umi : Nuha Happy tak cayang?
Nuha : Happy la kalau Umi belikan Barbie!
Umi : Erk...

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